Friday, September 18, 2009

World of Roses

Red Roses:

The red rose is a widely recognized symbol for love and everlasting passion. The red rose is one of the most beautiful flowers available - no pictures or words can truly capture the beauty of this magnificent flower. The various shades of red, from crimson to maroon, are full of richness and emotion. Being able to convey messages of warmth, care, compassion and affection are easily achieved when you send your lover beautiful red roses. The rose is also a symbol of outstanding and abiding love and romance. Growing and strengthening your relationships can effectively be represented through a bouquet of a dozen red roses express your feelings of passionate admiration and romance for that special someone in your life.

The red rose has been dated back to ancient times, in the 18th century, for the origin of it's symbolism. The red rose was a means of interaction between forbidden lovers to communicate feelings of love and secret admiration. Over time, the natural beauty of this flower began to take on several meanings that have lasted to present day. The red rose was brought from China to Europe in the 1800's.

The color red itself was initially a symbol of life and beauty which eventually turned into the same symbolism for the rose. Desire, attraction, youthful love, loveliness, purity, innocence, passion and courage have all been associated with a dozen red roses.

These flower has been the inspiration for many authors and poets of our time. Shakespeare often eluded to beautiful red roses as a representation of attractiveness and love that is "stronger than thorns." Since the rose has become such a well known symbol, giving this flower as a gift is one of the most effective ways to create an emotional impact on your recipient.

White Roses:

White roses embody a whole new meaning to the word love. From there traditionally meaning of purity and innocence, to new symbolism of honor and respect, white roses are the perfect gift for celebrating events or new love. The color white itself has a meaning of youthful innocence - a world unspoiled and pure. So when you are in need of sending emotions that are straight from the heart, start with white roses. Unlike the red rose which symbolizes passion and true love, the white rose is a counterpart for conveying messages of faithfulness and everlasting love. With it's pristine and elegant appearance, white roses have become a long time tradition for occasions such as weddings, funerals and anniversaries.

WeddingsThe white rose, also known as the bridal flower, is popular because of it's graceful and timeless appeal of symbolizing a new bond of love. In the context of a wedding, the white rose is ideal for symbolizing new love, pureness, honesty and humbleness. The white rose first became popular when Queen Victoria used a white flower bouquet for her wedding in 1840. Since then, the tradition of "white weddings" is still apparent to this day. A bride carrying a bouquet of white wedding flowers on her big day signifies that she is worthy, innocent and will stand by her husband forever. An undying loyalty and lifelong promise of love can easily be expressed through white roses.

FuneralsFor a departed loved one, white roses are also an appropriate flower for funeral ceremonies. As a symbol of remembrance, this rose symbolizes purity and heaven. A bouquet or spray of white roses is not only beautiful, it can belie a more complex meaning than it's simple appearance. White roses are also associated with churches - such as baptismal ceremonies. The idea of a new beginning and spiritual love and respect are personified through white roses. Even if you are not directly related to the deceased, it can still be appropriate to send white roses to show your deepest sentiments and that they are in your thoughts. Sometimes conveying your heartfelt reverences can be difficult, but by sending white roses it can bec
ome a lot easier to express feelings of sorrow and understanding.

AnniversariesMaking anyone feel special on special days such as anniversaries or Valentine's day can be as simple as giving them a bouquet of white roses. Since the white rose contains so many underlying messages, it can be taken differently by your recipient. Feelings of hope, friendship, love, purity and innocence can all by express in a single white rose. White roses stemmed their meanings of love from Greek mythology. Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, was said to have left white roses to grow from where she arose from the sea. This mythological example still holds true in the white roses representation of love and purity. The numerous meanings of white roses are almost as mystical as the white rose itself! Sending white roses is perfect for anniversaries or just saying I love you.

Vogue Color Rose:

Our premium long stem Bi Color Vogue roses are grown in the high altitudes of both Ecuador and Colombia using the latest agriculture advances in technology. This produces a substantially larger rose head with more petals as well as a thicker more stable stem. Roses with more petals will open much slower, thus lasting much longer. Roses are spirally packaged in bunches of 25 then strapped and secured in specially designed boxes to insure they arrive in perfect condition. Roses are mostly used a lot in joyful functions. Hence roses are the best wedding flowers for weddings and reception parties.

Latin Lady Roses:

Our premium long stem Latin Lady roses are grown in the high altitudes of both Ecuador and Colombia using the latest agriculture advances in technology. This produces a substantially larger rose head with more petals as well as a thicker more stable stem. Roses with more petals will open much slower, thus lasting much longer. Roses are spirally packaged in bunches of 25 then strapped and secured in specially designed boxes to insure they arrive in perfect condition.

Hot Pink Roses:

Our premium long stem Hot Pink roses are grown in the high altitudes of both Ecuador and Colombia using the latest agriculture advances in technology. This produces a substantially larger rose head with more petals as well as a thicker more stable stem. Roses with more petals will open much slower, thus lasting much longer. Roses are spirally packaged in bunches of 25 then strapped and secured in specially designed boxes to insure they arrive in perfect condition.

Light Pink Roses:

Our premium long stem light Pink roses are grown in the high altitudes of both Ecuador and Colombia using the latest agriculture advances in technology. This produces a substantially larger rose head with more petals as well as a thicker more stable stem. Roses with more petals will open much slower, thus lasting much longer. Roses are spirally packaged in bunches of 25 then strapped and secured in specially designed boxes to insure they arrive in perfect condition. This roses are greatly used as wedding roses

Monday, September 14, 2009

My mom

It's amazing how an impulsive burst of creativity from a new mom in the throes of maternal infatuation can transcend time and become a calming antidote to the angst of coping with the stubbornness of a strong-willed teenager.

As a doting first-time mother cooing over her infant daughter, I was inspired every day by the power of my devotion to this amazing human being that I had created. The sky was the limit, the world was awaiting her and my dreams for my child had no bounds. It was easy for me to put pen to paper and allow myself to express all that I felt. My journal was therapeutic and liberating. Perhaps I would show it to my children one day.
My musings were never published and my journal was kept private, but I took great comfort in being able to express myself in a creative way. Then life took over, the challenging routine of raising a family kicked in and the busy years marched on.
Fast-forward 18 years...

2 kids, a couple of moves and several jobs later I find myself negotiating the slippery slope between parental control and motherly love. It's a wild ride, rife with satisfaction and frustration. In a fit of seasonal purging and after a frustrating attempt to impress the importance of family communication upon my daughters, my autumn cleaning unearthed that faded diary that had held all the secrets that only a mother could know. Those well-worn pages that recounted so many hours of my life were nestled beneath layers of precious mementos that had not been touched in a years.

An immediate rush of emotion came over me as I turned it in my hands. All the determination, fortitude and sense of purpose that had kept me going for those trying first years radiated from the pages. I found myself sitting crossed legged on the floor pouring over the entries, as waves of memories bombarded my senses. The trepidation, the sleeplessness, the uncertainty of a first-time mom - they were all there - in total honesty - stripped bare of any pretense.
Then my eyes fell on a few lines scribbled at the bottom of a page. It seemed to have been written almost as an afterthought at the end of a very long day.
My child...In the palm of your trusting handYou bear the torch
You are my light of day...You are my gift to the world.

Suddenly the self-doubt that creeps into the psyche of every parent trying to raise a teenager fell away. "Had I done all that I could?" Of course I had! The proof was all there, right before my eyes, in painstaking detail. My intention had always been clear; my sentiment was never less than resolute. Gone was the doubt about the decisions I had made along the way. I knew that the underlying motive for all of my choices was an earnest one. I was reminded of the unconditional love that we showered upon both of our children every day and I did not question how much of myself I put into raising caring, productive human beings. There were a few faults along the way, but a solid foundation was laid. The cement had set and, ultimately, there was nothing to worry about. I had, along with my husband, put the best of what we are into our daughters. Our devotion and our love were unconditional. The only thing left to do was continue to allow them to blossom and to encourage them to make their mark on the world.

Friday, September 11, 2009

World of Gems

A Precious Stone is a piece of rare mineral sometimes soft, which when cut and polished is used to make exclusive jewelry and other adornments. Known for their luster and healing powers worldwide; they have also been used since long for making precious jewelry. Most of the stones used worldwide are hand cut and so the exclusivity associated with them makes them very unique and expensive.

The stones are mostly handcrafted by our expert artisans with utmost care to preserve their natural form. These precious stones are available in faceted and cabochons types and in different shapes and sizes. We offer these precious stones in loose cut stones, stone strands, sorties, chips, rondelles, carved, necklace forms and in many more varieties.Precious stones are also classified into different groups, species, and varieties like Ruby, Emerald & Sapphire.


This beautiful medium pink to blood red stone is the birthstone for July. The ruby is formed from the mineral corundum, also known as aluminum oxide, when it combines with chromium. Rubies are most highly prized for their size as well as their color, with the deep dark red varieties, being the most highly valued.


The emerald has always been popular for its dramatic green appearance when paired with gold. The emerald is produced when the mineral beryl is combined with chromium or vanadium in the earth. The inner light and reflective ability of the emerald, known as its fire, adds the warm appearance to the gem. Clarity and color are used in pricing emeralds with the deeper green to greenish blue colors with lots of clarity and fire the most highly valued.


The final true precious stone is the beautiful blue sapphire. Sapphire is actually made from the same minerals as rubies, just with different ratios that produce the blue color. Sapphire is very hard and is used in many types of applications other than jewelry. Believe it or not there are many different colors of sapphires, although anything but the blue color is of less value, unless you happen to have a rare salmon or deep pink colored sapphire. There are purple, clear, yellow, green and even orange and brown sapphires that may be used in jewelry, although they are typically not common.

Inside Pyramids

Pyramids of Egypt

Egypt is a place any one would like to go for a vacation. Tourism is such a great money earner for Egypt. And when somebody travels, one of the most preferred place to visit would be the Cairo and the Giza city.

This is one of the largest pyramids in the world and considered to be one of the great among the seven wonders of the world. There are actually 3 Pyramids located in this place along with a Sphinx. The biggest of all is The Great Pyramid of Khufu and this is the only one among the seven wonders of world.

Travel to Mars

In June and July of 2003, two nASA launched rare robot rovers obliged for Mars. The goal of NASA was to assemble informations about our neighbour globe, the red earth called Mars. Previous expeditions of the last near 30 years have given us so much informations about Mars, but they have been passing visits and not enough records had been collected. Nevertheless this mission would be different. The two rovers were projected to last 90 Martian living at best, but even after more than 1000 Martian living on, they were still departures solid.

The two rovers were nicknamed Spirit and Opportunity. They weighed about 180 kg each, that is about 400 lbs in American language. They passed batteries, communication tackle, and solar panels. The rovers worn artificial intelligence that evened allowed them to reject to do what their controller told them, if the felt an action would be dangerous. Because of the conservative quality of their use, they lasted more than 10 time the epoch originally planned and have travelled a space of more than 10 miles across the Martian outside.

The first one to make it to the apparent of Mars was the rambler nicknamed Spirit. Spirit landed on Mars January 4th, 2004 in a bowl a measly 10km from the butt. Spirit made many important discoveries. From its shrink in the hole, it has discovered many rocks of volcanic basis and the action of subsurface water on these rocks. Spirit discovered patches of soil with a high salty pleased that tends to be caused by the older poise of water. It discovered also one particularly interesting sway, nicknamed Humphrey, a volcanic-like pitch twisted probably by magma. It had brightly coloured, mineralized parts inside, that would most prone be caused by water result its way into it, before, or sometime after the pitch was twisted. This finding abandoned has impassive doubts from many scientists whether water existed or not on Mars at sometime in the past.

Not only has Spirit helped us understand more on the geological and real aspects of Mars: Spirit took the first picture of Earth from the seeming of another world. It has also full night-time movies of the transit of the moons and even Mercury across the sun. Spirit was lucky enough to problem an astral outdo of the Mars' moon Phobos as it disappeared into the shadow of Mars.
The flash rover to make it to the shallow of Mars was Opportunity. It landed 21 existence after Spirit on January 25th, 2004. It landed on the opposed edge of the planet in a cavity in the heart of a patent. Opportunity worked extensively in craters on rocks presumably produced by sulphite sweet sands from evaporated lakes and that had been pushed and formed by the basics, curve, make, and water. Scientists wore this as testimony that water existed on Mars in obsolete times.

The two rovers have sent back hundreds of thousands of similes in both grey-balance and colour of the Martian seeming. The stunning panoramic shots can take your breath way. Equipping with a geological kit and motorized rock tools, they were able to look beneath the seeming to determine more than previously thought imaginable.

Ronaldo The Legend


The best centre forward of the last thirty years, and maybe the history of soccer, is the Brazilian sensation Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima. Ronaldo, the real one, is still only 32 years old but looks set to retire with one of the most prolific goalscoring records of any centre forward.
Ronaldo announced his arrival at the age of 17 with 34 goals in 32 games for club side Cruzeiro. He made his international debut at just 17 and at that age was a part of the 1994 World Cup winning squad, although he did not play. Ronaldo sealed a 6 million dollar move to the Netherlands, playing 57 games and scoring 55 goals.

His performances allowed him an even bigger move to Spanish giants Barcelona. From here, Ronaldo would move to Inter Milan, Real Madrid and then finished his career at AC Milan. His best years were often blighted by serious injuries but he still managed to win three FIFA World Player of the Year Awards.

Ronaldo would achieve honours to rival most players including two La Liga titles, one UEFA Cup, one Cup Winners' Cup and two World Cup wins. Injury ruled him out of the 2007-08 season for Milan and they released him from his contract. He is currently looking for another club, and at 32, would surely offer so much to any top-flight club.

A great centre forward can create goals from nothing, or make wingers look even better by finishing the chances that they create. A great number nine will be the fans' favourite as they score the goals to send the crowd into raptures. All three of these forwards enjoy hero status because of this simple but amazing ability.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Legend Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

Pakistan has a rich and diverse cultural heritage. Pakistanis celebrate their culture through folk music, dance, and festivals. They have a strong appreciation for poetic expression and storytelling. The history of the country comes to life in the splendid architectural detail of centuries-old mosques and forts. After it became part of the expansive Mughal Empire in 1526, the region that is now Pakistan entered a golden age of literature, architecture, and music.

Most Pakistanis adore poetry and commonly memorize long poems. A mushaira (poetry reading) in Pakistan can attract hundreds of listeners. Among classical poets in the Urdu language, Mirza Ghalib is perhaps the most widely admired. Ghalib, who wrote in the 19th century, is known for his lyrical and spiritual ghazals. Ghazals are the most popular form of poetry in the Urdu and Persian languages.

Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, a Sufi mystic who in the first half of the 18th century wrote about love and Sindhi life, is the most revered poet of the Sindhi language. His poetry is widely recited by illiterate and educated Sindhis alike. Khushal Khan Khattak is the most famous poet of the Pashto language. In the 17th century he wrote poetry describing the beauty of women and nature, using military metaphors. The most well-known poet of the Punjabi language is Bulleh Shah, of the 17th century, whose poetry challenged the religious orthodoxy. In recent years short stories and travelogues have gained literary prominence, in addition to poetry.

Nusrat fateh ali khan one of the greatest legend in the music world,who through the music spread the message of peace and love.

Monday, September 7, 2009

World Wrestling

I still remember the first time I heard it was fake. I was six, and on the playground at summer school. A friend and I were talking and we started talking about wrestling when another kid on the jungle gym said "Wrestling's fake." This statement wrought my brain with a confusion that persisted for many years to come. This was simply impossible. How could it be fake? I see them bleed, I hear them scream, and I see them go through tables and the such. So I said the most logical response I could think of, "No it's not," I retorted to the boy. He said that if the wrestlers actually did those moves they would kill each other. I disregarded the claims as childish stupidity and went about my life. Throughout the years there were of course many references made to wrestling being fake. I attributed it to adult cynicism. Like how it was crazy that none of the adults believed in Santa or Magic.
As I got older it became increasingly easy to see how everything was done. Through many internet sources it slowly unraveled before my eyes. It left an odd feeling in my stomach. I dreamt of going undefeated an entire career and holding every title. Soon I began to compromise. Well maybe they could have an undefeated wrestler; I just won't hold all the titles. Maybe I'll have one loss, after I'm a legend. Maybe a few losses, but only because they cheated. I compromised more and more until I realized I will lose when they need me to and win when they need me to.

When I first found out I was afraid it would frighten me away from wrestling. I didn't grow up watching fake wrestling. I grew up watching real wrestling. Only when I found out did it become fake. How would this affect me? How would knowing my childhood ideals of grandeur were fake affect how I saw the product that largely defined who I am. Yet every week I found myself continuing to tune in, and I found myself equally entranced by it, but in a newer way each week. I appreciated it just as much, but now in a different way. Soon I appreciated it more than I ever had. The skill it takes to do some of these moves is incredible, let alone the skill it takes for anyone to do them and tell a story with them. How to use big moves in conjunction with small moves, and vice versa. How a story began, progressed, ended, and transitioned was something I could already appreciate, and now I could even apply it to wrestling. It's amazing really.

I am in love with a product that really isn't even the same thing I fell in love with in the first place. I was looking at from two different angles. Two different perspectives, and yet I still wanted it more than anything else. I guess it's almost more of an accomplishment when you can go out there out there and prove yourself in that way. I mean in a sense anyone can go and be unbeatable if it was real. To go out there and be the best in a world where there will be people who try to hold you down, where you have no control over a lot of things that impact your career, where the words you speak, the way you make the subtle movements in the ring, and even the way you lose can determine how successful you can be. To live in that world and still be able to call yourself the best; that takes some doing.